Dates for the diary!
Next Sunday! 0930! Our Church Birthday! All Age Holy Communion but also it is our birthday as a Church – we started the Sunday before Christmas, in December 2015, and now we reach our birthday. We are going to have a Big Brunch – can you contribute something sweet, savoury, bread, cheese, pasta, cake – to make it a great BIG brunch and celebration?
This Thursday 15th December. Prayer Concert – 8pm start. A mixture of contemporary worship led by our music group, and sections for prayer (in pairs, outloud, or in small groups – there will be different styles per section of prayer). The prayer sections take place inbetween songs led by the group. Prayer sections, will include – praying for a new building, giving thanks for the past year of our church, praying for persecuted Christian believers… Come along, going to a special service.
MORE ON THE CHRISTMAS PARTY. From Hannah and Eline..
Friday December 23 we are having our first Christmas party as a church.
We want to make this a fellowship event and we want you to be in it. If you want to sing a song, dance, do stand up comedy or something else you’d like to perform and share with us, please sign up!
You can sign up this Sunday on the form or let Hanna CE know through: We will have a surprise for all creche and primary school children so please let us know who is coming!
We will have a shared social drink with mulled wine afterwards with finger foods, so all who want to come along can also show off their baking skills 🙂
Christmas Services – see our website for details of our other events.
New Years Day – there will be an All Age Service of Holy Communion on January 1st, at 0930.
Church Family Away Day – Saturday 18th February, 9.30am arrival ends 4.30pm. To be held at the Roode Schuur in Nijkerk. No cost to attend. Childrens work provided, (0-12 years). Please do sign up in the following weeks, and please indicate any dietary requirements.
Photos / Filming. We’d like to ask parents of under 18 year olds, to fill in a form giving / refusing permission for photos / filming of their young people to be used in printed or online publicity, social media, and press articles / releases. Many have filled in their forms – thank you! But if you have not yet done so, could you please speak to Hannah Koolstra, as we’d like to complete this in the by 11th December.
Toy bank! The Toybank in Amersfoort would really appreciate used toys to give away to families on low incomes and to children from the AZ. This is a great way to give to children that have a lot less then ours. Please make sure the toys are cleaned and complete. Children’s bikes are especially appreciated! Any bike repairs needed will be done by the Toy bank. You can take the toys to the Toy bank yourself or take them to Church and let Jolanda Crowe know. She will then happily drop them off for you. Toybank Contact details: Argonweg 10, 3812 RB, Amersfoort Mob: 06-49937783 Openings times: Wednesday 13:30-16:30; Friday 13:30-15:30
Update on Church Building Search.
At present, as we have shared, from May 1st, we will need to leave this church building as it will be sold. We continue to search for another building to meet. Invite church members to continue to hold our search for a new venue in your personal and small group prayers. Do come along to the prayer concert (this Thursday) where there will be a time of prayer for a new building. We will keep you informed for progress as it occurs.