Grant’s New Year thought

Grant’s New Year thought

Chaplain’s Comment. Happy New Year everyone!

I hope that you had a wonderful week since Christmas! And that you had lots of fun with fireworks last night!

The Prayer Book Collect for this day, the 1st of January:

“O Eternal Lord God, who has brought thy servants to the beginning of another year. Pardon, we humbly beseech thee, our transgressions in the past, and graciously abide with us all the days of our life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

During 2017, as we seek to be a Church of UP, IN and OUT,

through our worship and prayer,

in our deep community life and lifelong discipleship

and in our service and evangelism,

we remember it is the Lord God we serve and worship and whom we seek to follow.

As he brought us to the start of this year, he will walk with and be with us in the year ahead. We do not move forward individually or as a church alone.

And in all our transgressions that will occur in the year ahead, we remember that the cross declares – God through Christ did not come to rub things in, to make us feel worse and condemned, but Christ came to rub transgressions out, through that old rugged cross. Each day of this year, we can begin again. If we fall, we can rise again through the grace of our Eternal Lord God.

As we enter 2017, we hold these precious truths within as we follow our Lord and Saviour.

Happy New Year! Revd Grant Crowe