Our Vision at All Saints Anglican Church, is that we seek to be a church of Up, In, Out… Up being about wanting to be a people of Worship and Prayer, In, about sharing deep community and life long discipleship, and Out – as a church family, to locally and globally serve others and proclaim the faith.
We meet tomorrow – 0930, All Age Worship with Holy Communion – as we continue on our journey, considering
what it means to be a servant of God,
what it means to serve,
what it means to shine God’s light in our world –
as Jesus declared, ‘I am the Light of the World’, but he also said to his followers: ‘you are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world.’
Revd Rik Florentinus – Annalyne’s Dad! – will be our preacher as we explore Isaiah 49 together. There will also be Big Brunch after the worship service.
See you there?