All Saints News – 15th January onwards…

All Saints News – 15th January onwards…

 All Saints News – for the week of January 15th onwards…

All Saints seeks to be a church of Up, In, Out. At our core, at our DNA,  we place the importance of Up – Worship and Prayer, In – Deep Community and Life Long Discipleship, and OUT – (local and global) Service and Evangelism.

Next Sunday! Sunday 22nd January – 0930 service. We celebrate Holy Communion with our sung worship led by our music group. There is Sunday School (4-12 years old) and crèche (under 4s) provided. We also welcome the Archdeacon for NW Europe, Venerable Paul Vrolijk to preach.

Notices for the diary

Thursday Prayers – between now and end of February, every Thursday from 8pm – 9pm we will hold a Holy Communion and Prayer service.

It will be said (no music), have a short – 5 minute address – and include 15-20 of intercession for All Saints. Our primary focus will be praying for a new building, for God’s leading, bringing new issues to him as they arise, as well as praying for our city and other church plans (such as our church family away day). There will be space to pray silently or outloud. It is important we gather to pray for that new building and God’s direction, to lift our need before him and ask for his wisdom for those seeking that new home. I’d like to invite you to choose one Thursday evening between the dates of  January 19th to February 23rd inclusive, and come and pray with us. It will be held in the day chapel here in Heilige Geest Kerk.

 Saturday 21st – 4pm to 6pm, TACA leadership team and Chaplaincy Council, meet with Archdeacon Paul Vrolijk to discuss what steps are needed for All Saints to become an independent mature chaplaincy in 2019. Meeting held in Holy Trinity Parsonage.

 Saturday 21st – 7.30pm – Prayer and Praise at Holy Trinity Church, Utrecht, where Archdeacon Paul Vrolijk will preach. All welcome to attend.

 Confirmation. Our next Confirmation Service will be held on Saturday 25th March led by Bishop Robert. At 3.30pm. The Confirmation Service will be held at All Saints. Confirmation preparations will begin on 25th January. Do please speak to Grant if interested.

Church Family Away Day – Saturday 18th February, 9.30am arrival ends 4.30pm. To be held at the Roode Schuur in Nijkerk. No cost to attend. Childrens work provided, (0-12 years). Please do sign up in the following weeks, and please indicate any dietary requirements. Hannah Koolstra has the sign up sheet. Our deadline for signing up is the end of this month.

Giving. For those who would like to give electronically to All Saints. You can do this by transferring money to bank account number NL84INGB0000132950 (t.n.v. Holy Trinity Church te Utrecht) and mark it Amersfoort or All Saints.  Can we ask – if you have not already indicated to which church your giving goes, could you please indicate through your bank, to which church you would like your offerings to go? Thank you for your giving.

Social Media. You can also follow us on Facebook for our latest news – All Saints Anglican Church Amersfoort. Or follow us on Twitter: All Saints Anglican@CoEAmersfoort