All Saints Anglican Church, part of the Diocese of Europe.
Next Sunday – 29th January – 0930 – Fifth Sunday – Morning Prayer – with a particular focus on praying for our Church. There will be Sunday School and crèche provided.
Also, after that service, there will be an opportunity to hear more about the proposed Chaplaincy trip to Taize (15-29 year olds) this July. Andre and Angela will share more about Taize and trip plans.
Here is a link for more information about the Taize movement:
Notices for coming weeks.
Thursday Prayers –
Between now and end of February, every Thursday from 8pm – 9pm we will hold a Holy Communion service. It will be said (no music), have a short – 5 minute address – and include 15-20 of intercession for All Saints. Our primary focus will be praying for a new building, for God’s leading, bringing new issues to him as they arise, as well as praying for our city and other church plans (such as our church family away day). There will be space to pray silently or outloud. It is important we gather to pray for that new building and God’s direction, to lift our need before him and ask for his wisdom for those seeking that new home. I’d like to invite you to choose one Thursday evening between the dates of January 26th to February 23rd inclusive, and come and pray with us. It will be held in the day chapel here in Heilige Geest Kerk.
On Sunday 5th February –
We are delighted to welcome to our Sunday Holy Communion, Bishop Laurent Mbanda who with a team (including Nienke Westerbeek) from Compassion Netherlands (the child development and child sponsorship charity), will be sharing about the work of Compassion. Bishop Laurent is an Anglican Bishop from Rwanda and he will preach that Sunday. If you’d like to know more about Compassion, or Child Sponsorship, do attend or let others know.
There UK website – for English speakers is:
Compassion Netherlands website –
As part of OUT as a church, we want to serve and proclaim the faith not only locally but globally for we part of one global body of Christ. Compassion is an organization we would like to commend to you, our members, as a way as a church we can be and do OUT.
Our next Confirmation Service will be held on Saturday 25th March led by Bishop Robert. At 3.30pm. Confirmation preparations are about to begin. Do please speak to Grant if interested.
Church Family Away Day –
Saturday 18th February, 9.30am arrival ends 4.30pm. To be held at the Roode Schuur in Nijkerk. No cost to attend. Childrens work provided, (0-12 years). Please do sign up in the following weeks, and please indicate any dietary requirements. Hannah Koolstra has the sign up sheet. Our deadline for signing up is the end of this month.
Lent begins this year on 1st March – our Ash Wednesday service will take place at 8pm. An hour long service with an opportunity to receive the imposition of ashes, a Lenten tradition. To be held in the day chapel here at Heilige Geest Kerk.
For those who would like to give electronically to All Saints. You can do this by transferring money to bank account number NL84INGB0000132950 (t.n.v. Holy Trinity Church te Utrecht) and mark it Amersfoort or All Saints. Thank you for your giving.
Can we ask – if you have not already indicated to which church your giving goes, could you please indicate through your bank, to which church you would like your offerings to go. By indicating, it helps to clarify what All Saints income currently is, as we move towards becoming an independent self sustaining church.