All Saints – part of the family of God (tomorrow’s Hebrews 2 reminds us) gathers at 0930 tomorrow. We have our fifth Sunday worship of Morning Prayer – our regular pattern in our year, when we take more time to give thanks and to pray for our church and its life. Part of those intercessions will include prayer for our ongoing search for a new building… There will be Sunday school and creche as per usual. Also for those interested in knowing more about the chaplaincy visit to Taize in July, there is a meeting after the church service.
Our Service focuses on the Presentation of Christ in the Temple – and we will learn from Anna, whom Luke points us to, in Luke 2. We see how Luke shares about her role, her heritage, her personal background, her piety, and her response as she meets the infant Jesus, a response of praise and witness.
See you tomorrow at 0930?