Our Church Family Away Day – Saturday 18th February.
To be held at the Roode Schuur in Nijkerk.
What is the plan? We are using the De Roode Schuur in Nijkerk. We arrive from 0930, coffee provided at the start. We have a main meeting room for adults, with dedicated rooms for our creche and our children’s work (4-12 years old).
The official programme begins at 1000. Each room they will have a break during the morning. Lunch is provided at 1230 in the restaurant.
Afternoon programme – for the children (in their rooms) and the adults begins at 1330. We finish at 1600 with a borrel. The day officially ends at 1630.
The childrens’ workers are from other local churches who are assisting with our day. We are thankful for their help. Children can be dropped off from 0930, and the children’s programme begins 1000 and will run until 1230. They will have their own breaks which the workers will supervise.
The children are back with their parents for the lunchtime.
Then the children’s programme begins at 1330 until 1600.
At 1600 the children will return / be collected by their parents.
Please drop off your children by 1000 so the adult programme can begin on time. And please have your children back at their venue for the afternoon programme by 1330.
What are we planning to do?
As you can see, the children’s workers have their own unique programme – its going to be fun! For any last minute questions do contact Jolanda Crowe.
For the adults, we will cover a number of things:
* update how we are doing as as a church,
* doing some bible study – one in the morning and one in the afternoon, which will include a study on the church of Antioch in Acts (Acts 11, 13, 15 primarily).
* what next – considering the vision for the church in the coming year
* an update on our current search for a new building to meet as a church from May onwards..
* through the day building a deeper and more engaged church community.
*some sung Worship and Prayer together
There will be breaks for refreshments during the morning and afternoon sessions – a chance to mingle and chat to folks.
The day is free but there will be opportunity to make a donation to the costs if you would like to. But do not feel any pressure to give.
This weblink gives all the info you need…
Our venue – De Roode Schuur in Nijkerk
There is plenty of onsite free parking.
Christian Book Table
Susanne van Rossum is providing a book table of Christian books – this will have different books about family life, raising up children, Christian life, English bibles, gifts etc. This is provided by her work place, the Christian Bookshop Reimer. So there will be the opportunity to purchase books and gifts on the day.
Anything else?
We will be doing bible study – don’t forget to bring your bible and a notepad if you like making notes.
And we give you a challenge! Over coffee, lunch and the borrel, why not drink and eat with people you normally do not talk to – or perhaps have not yet had a good conversation with. This day is a wonderful opportunity to deepen our community and to get to know people. Do seize the chance.
We have 45 adults, 24 children and 4 teenagers attending from our church community. A tremendous number. This does not include the outside helpers doing our children’s work.
See you there for a special day.