This coming Sunday – 19th March – at 1115 – after our Sunday Service, during the Big Brunch we will hold our congregational annual meeting. This is in preparation for the chaplaincy Annual General Meeting to be held on Sunday 23rd April in Utrecht.
Please do make a point of attending.
Here is the formal announcement:
Dear all,
This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Holy Trinity Church Utrecht will be held on Sunday 23rd April after the 10:30 Service.
Special significance at the AGM will be given to the roadmap for establishing Utrecht and Amersfoort as two independent churches. In order two prepare locally for our AGM we will hold Local Annual Meetings in both Utrecht and Amersfoort.
As announced earlier the Local Annual Meeting in Utrecht will be held on Sunday 19th March after the 10:30 Service at Holy Trinity Church Utrecht.
The Local Annual Meeting in Amersfoort will also be held on Sunday 19th March after the 09:30 Service and during the Big Bruch at Heilige Geest Kerk Amersfoort.
At the annual local meetings we will discuss the roadmap towards two independent Anglican churches in Utrecht and Amersfoort (see attached proposal). We will also prepare for the AGM by appointing or electing local candidates for the leadership team, churchwarden, the archdeaconry synod and the members of church council. All these will then later be appointed by the AGM. If you have any questions about these leadership and representative roles please feel free to contact David, Grant, Rosemarie or Adrian. Forms for leadership and representative roles need to be handed by Sunday March 12th.
At the AGM we will discuss and vote on the roadmap. If the AGM is in agreement then we will appoint all officers as proposed by the local meetings.
On the agenda of the AGM will also be:
– reports covering the previous twelve months
– the changes in the electoral role
– the reports and accounts over the past year and the budget for the current year for approval
– appointment of stewards (sides-persons),
– various other topics raised by the meeting.
If your name is on the electoral roll and we have your email-address, you will receive the agenda, reports and proposals by email beforehand. Everyone is allowed to attend the meeting, but if you want to be able to vote, your name needs to have been registered on the electoral roll. Please fill out a form this coming Sunday March 12th at the latest, if you want to enter the roll.
Also on behalf of the Churchwarden Rosemarie Strengholt.
Kind regards
Adrian Los
Secretary to the council (acting)