Prayer Ministry Commissioning.
This is the liturgy used to commission any All Saints members to be part of the prayer ministry which takes places after Sunday worship.
This liturgy is greatly inspired by the Anglican Liturgy used in such places as the commissioning which follows adult baptism or confirmation.
The reasoning for the shape and wording of this liturgy. Our Lord commanded us to love each other. One expression of this can be praying with someone about the need for healing or for the mending of their lives, but also it can involve prayer for spiritual growth or for discernment on personal / family direction or which actions are to be taken. We stand in prayer with someone, praying with them and for them, as an expression of love.
However it is important that any member of a prayer ministry – or any other ministry in fact – also seeks to commit to grow in Christ like character, to grow in competence and skill, and to understand their ministry as something of the call of God, something divinely willed. Finally all ministry needs to be accountable to the structures within the Anglican church and in this case, accountable to the chaplain of All Saints.
So ministry is not just about offering to serve, it is about understanding the Lord’s calling, of seeking to grow in competence, of becoming more Christ like in character, and being accountable within the Christian community with which one serves.
These ideas have shaped and are reflected in this liturgy.
Led by the minister. The team members to be commissioned, anointed and authorised, stand before the congregation for the opening statements. The team members respond in bold type.
Minister/ Chaplain: In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Lord Jesus said: ‘My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends’ (John 15:v12-13). St Jude writes: ‘But you dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit…’ (Jude v20)
As part of the Body of Christ, offering to serve in this ministry of prayer, seeking to build others up and as one of many means to love the people of God, as part of your commissioning and authorising for this ministry, I ask:
Do you seek to serve God and his people in and through prayer ministry.
I do.
Will you continue to grow spiritually through the apostles teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and in prayer.
With the help of God, I will.
Will you seek to be continually and further transformed into the growing likeness of Christ, allowing the Spirit to work within your life.
With the help of God, I will.
Will you seek to grow in competence and skill as you seek to prayer with and pray for people in this ministry.
With the help of God, I will.
Will you seek to love those with whom you pray, as Christ loves them, and to be open and obedient to all the Spirit seeks to do in you, through you and around you.
With the help of God, I will.
Will you exercise this ministry of love towards the saints, under the authority of the chaplain of All Saints, and in order to bring glory to God,
Father Son and Spirit.
With the help of God I will.
The prayer team members kneel at the communion rail. Congregation members are asked to sit or kneel in prayer also, as they accompanythese individuals in prayer and join in prayer for them.
N , with the authority invested in me, as chaplain of All Saints Anglican Church ,Amersfoort, I admit you to and commission you as a member of and to serve in this prayer ministry.
The minister / chaplain anoints each person with Oil as they kneel at the Communion rail. Oil as a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, fill your servant afresh with your Spirit and equip her in this ministry of prayer by which she shows your love.
After each have been prayed for and anointed, the chaplain prays:
O gracious and Holy Father, give these children of yours, wisdom to perceive you, diligence to seek you, patience to wait for you, eyes to behold you, a heart to meditate upon you, and a life to proclaim you,
through the power of the Spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord.
All: Amen
To complete the liturgy, the new team members are blessed.
Blessing of the Prayer Ministry Team.
The Spirit of Truth lead you in all prayer,
give you grace to serve Christ as Lord,
and strengthen you and equip you to do the works of God,
and the Blessing of God Almighty Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
be upon and remain with you always.
All: Amen.