News and Prayers for week of July 9th

News and Prayers for week of July 9th

Sunday 9th July was our last regular Sunday service with manned creche and Sunday school before our summer schedule kicks in.

This week we’ll be visiting a possible location for our corporate worship from November onwards (we need to leave this church building by then).  We’ll update you about that visit as soon as possible.

Please continue to support our search for the building with your prayer.

Also a group of teens from our congregation went to a Taize trip today. You can see a picture of the group further below.

⏩ We don’t have all our members email addresses so please share and forward this email to people who would like to receive it as well!

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Upcoming activities (next two weeks)
  • ⛪ Sunday 16th July – 0930 All Age Holy Communion. There is a creche available for parents to use with their children. Prayer Ministry will be available after this service.
  • ⛪ This Thursday – 13th July , 8pm – 9pm. Holy Communion and prayer. Our final one before the summer. If you’ve not been yet, why not come along, and let us pray together for our life as a church and for our needs and the needs of others.
  • 🍷 Summer Plans? What about New Wine? Saturday 22nd – 28th July in Biddinghuizen (50 minutes away by car).New Wine Netherlands Summer Conference link

Prayer items for this week
  1. As our Services become All Age during the school holidays, pray for our worship to be enriching & special for all sorts, all ages & all nationalities who attend during July and August.
  2. We pray for more musicians to join Maria in forming a new music group at All Saints.
  3. For the visitors, tourists, relatives, who will visit All Saints this summer to experience a warm human welcome and experience the divine welcome of God.
  4. For planning for a visit by Peter Gillies and Grant to Albania in September to do some teaching with the Albania church plant network led by Edi Demo.
  5. Continue to pray for our discernment  as a church leadership for the building where All Saints is to meet after October.

Taize! Greetings from our All Saints trip to Taize in France.

Here’s a picture just taken this afternoon 30 minutes away from arriving to Taize. A CAR SELFIE! Please hold them in your prayers and of course we wish them a blessed trip!!