All Saints News and Notices for the week of July 17th…
- Our weekly email will have a break until start of September.
The summer brings a few changes in our pattern of services, as people are away, so below is a summary of the weeks over the summer…
On Sunday 27th August our Sunday School and manned crèche begins again. Until then, there is no Sunday School, and while we have creche facilities, there will be no volunteers, but parents are very welcome to make us of the creche area.
No Thursday evening Holy Communion and Prayer services until September.
- ⛪ 23rd July – Morning Prayer – led by Anthony Cummings (lay reader from St James in Voorschoten)
- ⛪ 30th July – Fifth Sunday – Holy Communion – led by Revd Grant
- ⛪ 6th August – Holy Communion – CA Young Adults camp will visit and contribute to our Sunday worship service – led by Revd Jos Strengholt, (Anglican priest covering chaplaincy of Arnhem and Nijmegen)
- ⛪ 13th August – Morning Prayer – led by Jan Huber (lay reader from St Johns and St Philips in the Hague)
- ⛪ 20th August – Holy Communion – led by Revd Grant
- ⛪ 27th August – Holy Communion -led by Revd Grant
⏩ We don’t have all our members email addresses for our weekly newsletter, why not sign up and keep in touch and pray together… Sign-up to our weekly newsletter here.
Other events coming up:
July 22nd – 28th . A group from All Saints and Holy Trinity will be attending New Wine Netherlands Summer Conference. It begins this weekend – Saturday 22nd – 28th July in Biddinghuizen (50 minutes away by car). Also day tickets are available. Online they have the full seminar programme to see which days it would be good to visit. And online it is possible to buy day tickets. If you are coming, let us know so you can meet up…
New Wine Summer Conference information
September 2nd! Men’s Group! 6pm – home of Peter and Petra Gillies in Nijkerk. The previous two have been deep meaningful, fun, good beer and a great BBQ. As the autumn begins, a super way to catch up about each other’s news. As we think about ‘looking outward’ as a Christian, into our needy and broken world, we want to grapple with what it means to show God’s love, in word and deep, in God’s beloved world. Book yourself in for 2nd September!
All Saints Home Groups launch in September.
We have decided to launch two new home groups, one led by Ron and Nienke, second by Grant and Jolanda, on September 13th. These groups will be bi-weekly. We hope to see these home groups multiply in number as time goes on and plan to establish a third home group after Christmas. More information will be shared as time progresses. But if you would like to join a group in September or after Christmas, please feel very welcome! And sent an email to Jolanda – – to help with planning.
Prayer items for this week…
Our prayers have a global and nation focus, praying for bodies with whom we have links
a) for the work of Compassion Netherlands as they seek to connect Christians in Netherlands with sponsoring children in the developing world and as they seek to raise awareness of the Christian calling to help alleviate poverty
b) for Illyricum Church Planting Network in Albania. Giving thanks for the three families who came to a living faith in Christ in the past 2 months. Pray for their summer Children’s Art School, inviting children in the neighborhoods of the three church plants where they teach them English, guitar, piano, and visual art.
c) For Persecuted Christians in the countries of Sudan, Syria, Iraq and Iran, praying for God to protect believers from abduction or attack, for imprisoned believers to have a love for their captors, for believers to find ways to meet together.
d) For the process of forming a new Dutch coalition government that the Lord would guide and shape the government he wants to lead our country.
e) For the other churches in this chaplaincy of Utrecht – for Holy Trinity Utrecht, for Anglican Church in Zwolle, for Grace Church Groningen, praying for their discipleship, for their corporate worship, for their evangelism in their towns and communities.
We wish you all a blessed summer period!