Prayer Day for Albania, Saturday 14th April

Prayer Day for Albania, Saturday 14th April

Illyricum Movement in Tirana, who we partner with, have invited us to join with them in praying for their ministry this weekend. They are holding a day of prayer with fasting on Saturday 14th April.

Edi writes:

”It is a day where we want to bow down before our Lord and Savior and ask his guiding hand upon us and our ministry. We are encouraging them to gather where they are with some of their friends and pray.

Here we are attaching the prayer requests that we have.

 Current Reality

The Lord has made it possible in less than 5 years for our ministry to grow, indeed explode, far beyond what we could ever have imagined. He is building H​is Church, and what a joy and privilege it is to be an eyewitness of his work and a coworker in his harvest. Here are some current facts about our present situation.

  • 18 ministry workers, 10 of which are Albanians, 6 Americans and 2 Mongolians
  • In Albania there are currently three churches planted by the grace of God and one about to be planted this year
  • In Mongolia, two church planters, Sheika and Hakka, who just started their second church plant
  • A vision to reach out to the unreached people of Kosovo, Lord willing, and to plant and establish local churches there in the near future
  • Supported in various vital aspects by hundreds of faithful ministry partners from the USA, Netherlands, United Kingdom.

This current reality brings us to our knees with a heart full of gratitude toward the Lord our God for what he has done. As a ministry, we wanted to let you know that we are going to have an International Day of Prayer for our ministry on Saturday, April 14, 2018. Our desire is to bring before our Lord our prayer requests for the existing churches, and for the ones that are yet to come.

Our desire is to encourage you, dear friend, to join us, that day, at your place, with prayer for the following requests, and consider joining us in fasting that day as well. We desperately need our brothers and sisters around the world to prayer this church planting ministry among Muslims in Kosovo and Buddhists in Mongolia, that it will bring glory and honor to the Lord. Especially in Albania and Kosovo, Islam is getting stronger, people are living in darkness, and we need the repentance of sin to be upon these people so that they may ask the Lord for salvation.

It will be a great help if you can gather some of your friends, church members, or small Bible study groups to join you that day in your area, even for a few hours.

Praying Requests

For our Staff and Boards
Please pray for our staff that they will continue to have a heart for serving the Lord with godlinesshumilitypassion and zeal for the Lord.

  • Please pray that they will continue to be good students of His Word and godly teachers as they teach others.
  • Please pray that the Lord will lead them and protect them from the evil one.

Please pray for:  

  • Erlind and Klodiana Hasko, that God will bless them with children; they have been married for a year and a half.


  • Dhurata and her 2 twoaughters (her husband died from cancer some years ago), that they will find their encouragement in the Lord, so that her daughters will know that our Heavenly Father is their father and they may walk and be used by him for His honor and glory. Also please pray for Dhurata’s health as she is still having some problems with her liver.


  • Jeff and Meredith and their three children, that they will learn the Albanian language quickly and adapt quickly to their new home close to the church.


  • Saimir and Kela and their three children, that they will be walking closely with God and will be used by him in their own community.



  • Adriele and Ella, that they will continue to be a light for the community around Bible Church and for spiritual growth among their children.


  • Blair and Sue, that the Lord will bless them and use them while they serve at Bible Church and other churches with Biblical counseling.


  • Genti and Renada and their two daughters, that they will grow more spiritually and in the knowledge of the Lord. Genti is in training for becoming elder of Eklesia Church.


  • Sara, that the Lord will teach her how to help and encourage young women to find Jesus.


  • Lefter Roko Lefter is helping us as a CPA and accountant, Please pray for the health of Lefter, as he is having problems with his liver.


  • Edi and Bona and two children, Noel and Sion, that as a family they will continue to grow in the knowledge of God and obedience to His will. Pray for Bona’s health, and her chronic kidney problems. Please pray for Edi, that the Lord will keep him and lead him. For Noel and Sion that they will be godly children.


  • for our staff in Mongolia, Sheika and Haka and their three children, that they will grow in the word of God and become strong disciples of Christ, and that the Lord will use them in a godly way to plant and establish churches in Mongolia.

Please pray for our Board of Directors in USA and Netherlands, that

  • God will lead them to have a godly perspective and vision for this church-planting ministry that is growing internationally.
  • God will lead and help them to grow effectively together and protect their unity for His honor and glory.
  • God will lead them to add to the board members who are godly people to serve in the future.

For current churches in Albania and Mongolia
Please pray for Eklesia Church, that:

  • God will work in the lives, characters, spirits, and thoughts of three potential elders in training, so that they will be qualified to lead the church. Their names are: Artur, Genti, Orgest
  • God will work on the lives of the families of these men so that they will have godly wives and obedient children for the glory of God.
  • for the Eklesia Church members, that they will be holy as God who called them is holy. Please pray that they will have a teachable heart and passion for spreading the Gospel.
  • for the Eklesia Church neighborhood, that its people will hear the gospel, that they will repent and believe unto salvation in the Lord.
  • For the partnership Church that Eklesia has with a Reformed church in the north Netherlands, that the Lord will lead this partnership for His honor and glory.

Please pray for Disciples Church:

  • that God will work in the lives of Marsel and his wife Denila. Marsel is under training to become elder.
  • ​that God will work in the hearts of current members of the church so that they will fear the Lord, and be obedient to put in practice his Word.
  • for the partnership between Disciples and a church in Wisconsin (USA), that the Lord will lead this partnership for His honor and glory.
  • for the Disciples Church neighborhood, that people will hear the gospel, that they will repent and believe unto salvation in the Lord.

Please pray for Bible Church:

  • that God will work in the lives of the church members so that they will have a spiritual hunger for the word of God.
  • that God will raise future potential elders for that church.
  • for the partnership that this church is in process of establishing with another church in Italy.
  • that God will lead the believers of this church to continue as a light to their neighbors.

Please pray for City Vision Church in Mongolia:

  • ​that God will lead them as they are evangelizing in the capital of Mongolia.
  • that God will bring repentance and salvation to the people in Mongolia.
  • for more workers for this church planting ministry.
  • that God will raise future leaders for this new church.
  • that God will provide financially to make it a reality.

For the new church about to be planted in Albania

  • Please pray that God will prepare the hearts of the people in the area where we will plant this church, to be open to the Gospel, to repent and to trust the Lord unto salvation.
  • Please pray that God will provide all the financial needs for this new church plant.
  • Please pray that God will lead us to find the right location, a good and strategic location, as we are still searching to find it.
  • Please pray for the brothers and sisters from outside Albania who are coming to help us initiate and start this new church plant during the summer 2018, that the Lord will give them a passion for spreading the gospel.
  • Please pray that MORE brothers and sisters from outside of Albania will come to help us. The need for more temporary workers during the summer and the autumn is still great.
  • Please pray for the programs for children and adults, the English classes (teaching English for free using the Bible), the German classes (teaching German for free using the Bible), the medical help, and the marriage and parenting counseling, that it will be used by God to reach out to people.
  • Please pray for our team while we plan, that God will give us direction and leading.
  • Please pray that this new church will be planted and established for bringing God glory and honor.

For the ​Kosovo church plant vision
Kosovo is a country with a population of 2.5 million people, with only 24 churches in all. It is the most UNREACHED country in Europe.
Please pray that:

  • God will lead us as we consider planting a church there in the coming years.
  • God will provide workers unto the harvest.
  • God will soften the hearts of the people in Kosovo, to bring repentance and salvation.
  • God will provide finances to make it a reality.

For the prayer and financial support team
As a ministry we want to continually build a team of faithful people who will systematically pray and financially support this ministry.
Please pray that:

  • God will raise more people to come alongside us spiritually and regularly support this ministry in prayer
  • ​God will raise more individuals and churches who will financially support our staff. ”


With much love and appreciation,
Edi, Bona, Noel and Sion (Illyricum Movement in Tirana, Albania)