Sunday worship – 15th March 2020

Sunday worship – 15th March 2020

Dear All Saints

I have had a very good honest conversation with our church wardens Andrew and Patrick. We also heard the thinking from our chaplaincy council.

We have decided to cancel this Sunday’s Holy Communion service based on the government rules as stated yesterday.
We feel and believe it is the right decision at this time.

We will listen to the government advice and decisions that come out in the coming days. At the early part of this coming week, we will begin to think on what alternative worship possibilities to explore / offer to our members.

But anything we plan, next week, will of course be shaped by any new changes in government rules for social gatherings.

At this stage the Church of England advises we follow what the Dutch Government requires.

Our Area Dean, Revd Ruan Crew, when he emailed yesterday about his views on this situation we face, he shared how he felt that Psalm 91 was an appropriate psalm for many to read at this time.

Tomorrow – Saturday – I will share one or two online resources as suggestions for you to use on Sunday.

Blessings in His Service.

Revd Grant

You can read about the new rules announced by the Dutch government in the link below.