Our Alpha Course seeks to be Trinitarian – teaching about God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. One God, Three Persons.
It has been said, that the first part of the Bible, the Old Testament, focuses upon God as Father and Creator. The New Testament begins with the Gospels, which focus upon God the Son – Jesus who lived among us, died for us, raised to life, and who ascended to heaven, from which he shall return one day. The rest of the New Testament and onwards, has been described as the time of God the Spirit – given by the Father and Son to each person – regardless of age, background, nationality – who believes in Jesus Christ.
There are three talks on the Holy Spirit within the Alpha Course. As we said in a previous blog post, usually these three talks are held on a weekend or on a single day. We, at All Saints, did the talks on a single teaching day.
Our previous blog has the first talk – Who is the Holy Spirit?
This post and video is about the second talk – What does the Holy Spirit do? If he – the Holy Spirit – is given to each Christian, comes to live in each Christian, what does he actually do or want to do within us?
The video talks more about it! Check it out.