Welcome to our Alpha Session ‘Does God heal today?’ This is Session 14 of the Alpha Course.
Does God heal today? If someone reads the New Testament, they would see Jesus having an extensive healing ministry, especially of those with physical illness. And in the Acts of the Apostles – which covers about the first 30 years of the Church after Jesus ascended to heaven – again there are examples of healing, by those who had been with Jesus, as well as others such as Paul and Ananias. So healing wasn’t only part of Jesus’ ministry. In fact when you consider the Old Testament, God tells his people early on, in Exodus ‘I am the God who heals you’ and you see occasions of physical healing (and other healing) through especially the prophets Elijah, Elisha and Isaiah. So it is a natural question – does God heal today? If he does, is it only through medicine, or can / does he heal directly, after prayer? And what is healing? Do we have in mind physical or emotional? Are there other forms of healing? And why have some people, who have been prayed for, not been healed?
These are important and big questions. All of us at some point are ill or are emotionally hurt, or there are loved ones we know who similarly suffer. These are important questions.
Our video begins to explore them and gives us signposts to answers we can have to our questions….