If you go to Church … Why do you go to Church? What is your experience of Church? Has it changed over the years? Can you think why?
Christian writer, minister and theologian Lesslie Newbiggin wrote:
”The Church is a historic reality… beginning with God’s call to Abraham and continuing through the ministry of prophets and apostles right down the ages until now. And whether or not the church is popular, big or small, is relatively unimportant. The fact of this great rock, this anvil upon which so many hammers have been worn out, this given reality, needs to be at the centre of our thinking as Christians.”
The thirteenth session of the Alpha Course asks the question about the church – when we have considered who Jesus is and his death, shared about what is prayer, reading the Bible and how God guides. we have talked about who the Holy Spirit and what does he do, we have discussed about evil in our world, how and why to share our Christian faith and does God heal today as he did in the past, we come now to question of the Church.
Feel free to share this video talk with others. Be reminded of what the Church is…
What about the Church?