Alpha Course, session 4, how can I have faith?
People who have done Alpha in the past in the UK, have shared its effect.
One person wrote this: ‘I experienced God for the first time: the feeling of completeness and need for forgiveness that I so desperately needed was satisfied.’
Another wrote this: ‘My life has changed radically and for the better. I’m a new person now — a Christian.’
So how can I have faith? What is faith built upon? Is it experiential? Is it built upon evidence?
Perhaps you have never made that first step of faith, to enter into a relationship with Jesus? We’d like to suggest a prayer you could use, to take that step, to ask him into your life, to stop walking away from him and turn around to him, to ask him to be that new centre of gravity in your life…
”Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for dying for me on the cross. I’m sorry for the things in my life that have been wrong. I now turn away from everything that I know is wrong. And I now receive your gift of forgiveness.
I put my trust in what you did on the cross for me. And I ask you, please, to come and fill me with your Holy Spirit, to give me the strength to lead the kind of life that deep down I’m longing to lead. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Amen.”
Faith is based upon the Word of God, the Work of Jesus and the Witness of the Spirit…