Annual General Meeting Postponed, (June 29th 2020)

Annual General Meeting Postponed, (June 29th 2020)

Announcement – June 29th 2020.

All Saints Anglican Church, which is part of the NW Archdeaconary of the Diocese in Europe, has postponed its Annual General Meeting (AGM), until September or October 2020.

Therefore, the Chaplaincy Council of the All Saints Anglican Church, share this resolution.

Because of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, the Annual Chaplaincy Church Meeting is hereby postponed to a date, still to be determined, but no later than 30th October 2020.”

This delay means, therefore, it is impossible to hold that meeting for the adoption of the financial statements within six months after the end of the 2019 financial year, and for the election of new council members and churchwardens.

Notes: The “bestuursbesluit” for not publishing our financial information before 1st July.
” De reden voor dit uitstel is gelegen in de omstandigheid dat de beperkingen, voortkomend uit de situatie rond covid19/coronavirus het houden van de tot vaststelling van de jaarrekening noodzakelijke jaarvergadering binnen zes maanden na het einde van het boekjaar 2019 onmogelijk maken.”-