Apologetics Workshops 1 & 2

Apologetics Workshops 1 & 2

Apologetics Workshops.

Peter has led two really helpful webinars on Apologetics (how we share our faith and deal with the comments and criticisms and questions shared with us). These can be found on our Church Youtube Channel.

Audio files of the webinars (if you prefer to listen)

Workshop 1: Gardening for Christ

Workshop 1 – Gardening for Christ – right click on it to download

Workshop 2: Why do you choose to believe in the Bible

Workshop 2 – Why do you choose to believe in the Bible – right click on it to download

More detail:

Workshop 1: Gardening for Christ

Peter wrote: ‘’This is the first in a series of three All Saints Amersfoort Apologetics courses. The next one will be on June 12th (Saturday) from 10am to 12pm on Zoom. In this workshop, we look mainly at Greg Koukl’s “Columbo Technique” with some modifications as well as examining “killer shutdown statements” like: “There is no truth”, which Frank Turek often addresses in his videos and books. I do hope you get something out of this.’’

Direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-VdYReqYdA

Workshop 2: Why do you choose to believe in the Bible?

Peter wrote: ‘’Giving a cogent and concise answer to this very tricky question: I choose to believe in the Bible because: 1) It is a reliable collection of historical documents… 2) …written by eyewitnesses in the time of other eyewitnesses; 3) They report supernatural events which were fulfillments of specific prophecies… 4) …and they claimed that their writings were divine and not human in origin. 2 Peter 1:16-21.’’ We will explore these four reasons in more detail.

Direct link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPZMYyKnoWo

Peter’s third and final workshop will be on Saturday 10th July at 10-12.