Our next course! First week of October.
This will be a live ‘in person’ course.
Some basic details.
Begins the first week of October, on a weekday evening (exact evening TBC).
It will be held in English.
It lasts 11 weeks, including a Saturday day teaching about the Holy Spirit. It will run until mid December.
To join, or to ask more questions: email – All Saints Admin allsaintsamersfoort01@gmail.com
In case you wonder… So why join Alpha and what is it all about?
You could say, it is a place to ask questions?
Why pray? Why read the Bible?
Who was Jesus? Does God heal today?
And so on…A place to ask and talk about faith, and what Christianity is about. A place to be honest and to ask the hard questions.
You could say, it is about exploring, what it means to grow closer to Jesus, our lives more shaped by his, following more closely in his footsteps, living the life, he invites and calls us to explore.
You do not need to sign up for the entire course . You can register to join for the first one, and try it and then decide, whether to come for the next one, or for a few more or for the rest…
What happens on a typical evening…
After gathering, we watch a teaching video on the topic for the week.
Then we chat together, talking honestly what we think and feel about what we have heard. The video is the input. We talk as a group about what we think about it all…
We finish at 21:00 each evening.
More about Alpha? Why not watch this video?
This is an invitation video for 2017 / 2018 but we love the ideas it communicates – it reminds us that Alpha is about exploring!
For more questions, or to join, please contact us via this website or mail
Why not come along and join us at Alpha, this October?