Church Posts & Blog (Page 15)
All Saints News for Week of 12th December
Dates for the diary! Next Sunday! 0930! Our Church Birthday! All Age Holy Communion but also it is our birthday as a Church – we started the Sunday before Christmas, in December 2015, and now we reach our birthday. We are going to have a Big Brunch – can you contribute something sweet, savoury, bread, cheese, pasta, cake – to make it a great BIG brunch and celebration?…
St Columba
Carols and Lessons in Zwolle (December 18th)
Studies in Ephesians at Zwolle
Advent begins
Tomorrow – Sunday 27th November – is Advent Sunday. The beginning of a new church year. Advent – when we prepare to celebrate the Lord’s first coming – Christmas – and look forward to his Second and Glorious return. At All Saints, and in many Anglican churches, we will each week light candles as a means to help us focus upon upon these…
Church Family Away Day
February 18th 2017 – mark it in the diary. It is going to be great! We have set our first Church Family Away Day – it is to be held on Saturday 18th February 2017. It will begin at 0930 and end at 1630. We are using a venue called Hotel & Gasterij De Roode Schuur in Nijkerk, so close by to Amersfoort. Here is the weblink:…
Articles on All Saints
When Revd Grant was licensed, there were many ecumenical representatives present. One representative of the Protestant PKN Reformed – Gerard Raven – attended and wrote the following article … And on 18th June 2016, the daily Dutch newspaper Trouw ran a two page article on All Saints. The journalist Niels Mathijssen, visited one of our services…
Licensing of Revd Grant Crowe
On 16th March, Revd Grant Crowe was officially licensed by the Diocese of Europe to be chaplain (minister) of All Saints Anglican Church here in Amersfoort. It was a wonderful event. But a little strange on one hand – for Revd Grant had moved to the Netherlands with his family in November 2015. He had previously been a Church of England vicar in Lichfield Diocese,…