Knowing God
  • Heiligenbergerweg 144, 3816 AN Amersfoort

  • Nieuwe Erven (entrance on Vivaldistraat)

Knowing God

Saturday 23rd March – ‘Knowing God: who He is’

Our next teaching day will be on Saturday 23rd March 2019.

(This focuses upon our church theme of ‘UP’).

This Saturday focuses not just knowing about God but also on actively knowing God. We remember how the words for knowing and God combine to give us the word theology.

We will consider some of the ways that God reveals himself through what is recorded about the individuals and events in the Bible.

We will briefly consider the Trinity. We will explore the connection between having a correct view of God and knowing him better.

In our time, we will focus mostly upon the characteristics of God as revealed by God himself in Exodus 34:6-7 going through it word by word.

This teaching day is about transforming us, teaching us, equipping us.

Book it in your agenda and come along!