Men at All Saints!
From Peter Gillies: Well, you – and any gentlemen you may know – are invited to the second Cross-Fit event of this year!
Starting Time: 18:00 with a Beer-tasting event from Hert Bier of the Veluwe and a BBQ. The taste is big, but the glasses are small, no worries. Costs: None; Place: Scheg 1, Nijkerk
Subject: “In” from “Up, In, and Out” – an evening of manly discussions about knives, bears, and opening doors for ladies… oh, and how we structure and seek community with other Christians.
Preparation: None, unless you would like to read Philippians, Ephesians, and Colossians – the three books from which I will draw most of my material.
Open Doors: last time we raised at least €500 for the Christian charity Open Doors (see, this time it would be great to surpass that amount! Read the attachment for more details.
Would love to see you all there. If you have any questions, please contact me and since we do have a BBQ, please RSVP so I know how many cows to hunt down and field dress!
To read the vision for this year: Introduction to the CrossFit series (pdf download)
Peter Gillies