Prayer Ministry.
Prayer ministry is just one of the ministries that exist at All Saints. Jesus commanded us to love each other. Love in action includes standing alongside each other. And one way is through prayer ministry.
We began on June 11th to offer prayer ministry at All Saints. We have commissioned our first 5 team members.
We will offer prayer ministry two Sundays a month, as the team works in pairs.
But we’d love to offer this prayer ministry every Sunday. So we want to grow the numbers involved. To do that we will invite church members to consider serving in this ministry. Anyone who would be interested, please speak to Ron Westerbeek or Grant.
There would be a training day on Saturday 30th September as part of the process to becoming part of the prayer ministry team.
What will that day involve?
Begin at 10am and finish at 4pm.
No cost to the day but bring your own lunch.
Held here at Heilige Geest Kerk, the church building where All Saints meets for worship.
We focusing on what is prayer ministry and why and how do we do it – there is teaching, time for questions and discussions, biblical study and opportunities to grow in practical experience of praying with people.
For more about the day or about prayer ministry in general, do speak to Grant or Ron.