Anglicanism and Worship
  • Van Limburg Stirumplein, 3581 KE Utrecht

  • Holy Trinity Church, Utrecht

Anglicanism and Worship

Anglicanism and Corporate Worship?

We are an English speaking Anglican Church, part of the Church of England, which is part of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Often we meet people, who may ask – what does it mean to be Anglican? Or, how is Anglican different from Reformed, or Roman Catholic or Pentecostal? Or what gifts or insights does Anglicanism offer to the wider Christian Church.

In 2016-2017, within the wider Chaplaincy, we are running a great course called Anglicanism: A gift in Christ, which seeks to answer these questions through DVD input and discussion.

Each session has an authority on that field teaching for 30-40minutes on DVD. As the DVD was recorded at a teaching conference, there is a further recorded 10-15 minutes of Questions and Answers from a panel . After that DVD input, we move into discussion about what we think and how we felt about the teaching and questions raised and answers given.

You can come along for every session or the ones which particularly take your attention.

The poster gives the exact titles across the entire year. We meet at Holy Trinity Utrecht Parsonage (which is beside the Church, number 26). Arrive before 8pm if you’d like a coffee or tea. Starts at 8pm and ends at 9.30pm. You do need to pay for parking…

Our January session, is on Anglicanism and Worship from Anglican Bishop Anthony Burton.

Here are some words from a review of that DVD talk:

“Bishop Burton, in his lecture on the prayer book tradition, elaborates upon the transformative character of Anglican liturgical worship, wherein the broken memory, reason, and will of the human soul is met and transformed by God in repentance, faith, and charity. In an aside, Burton recalls the holiness and deep biblical wisdom he encountered in his ministry among otherwise poorly educated fishermen in eastern Canada, who had been steeped all their lives in the prayer book pattern of Scripture and worship. It is just this kind of formation, both Burton and Turner would agree, that Cranmer had long ago intended.”


Survey Course introducing the Anglican Church and what it means to be Anglican.