Supporting financially

Supporting financially

Supporting All Saints financially & ANBI

All Saints Amersfoort worship services and activities are made possible by members and ministers offering their time, talents and treasure.  To do what we do for Christ and the community, and to build up our church to serve Amersfoort better, funding is needed.  So we are grateful for your financial support!

As God has blessed us, so we thank Him by giving accordingly.

Thank you for all that you have given to All Saints.

Bank Account details

We have two bank accounts – one for giving to All Saints, and one for charitable giving.

The account for charitable giving, we use only to support a number of local, national and international charities / causes through the year.

We would like to ask, if you are currently giving to All Saints using the Holy Trinity account, could you change your giving to these new accounts? Or if you have been giving to All Saints, to their ABN AMRO account, could we please ask if you could change your giving to the below stated ING accounts.

Donations can be made by bank transfer to these accounts:

The full details (bank account numbers and account names) are:

ING Bank Accounts:

Tithes, gifts and donations to the All Saints GENERAL Fund:

NL76 INGB 0007 9234 55 in the name of All Saints Anglican Church Amersfoort.

Tithes, gifts and donations to the All Saints CHARITABLE GIVING Fund

NL15 INGB 0007 9234 86 in the name of All Saints Anglican Church Amersfoort

Giving through GIVT.

It is possible to donate to All Saints through the Giving App, GIVT.

What is GIVT? This link shares more:

Givt (app based giving)

It is possible to donate, through GIVT, on a Sunday morning, or through finding our church ‘All Saints Anglican Church Amersfoort’ within the GIVT list, or to use the below QR codes.

All Saints General Giving

QR (only code) All Saints General Giving

All Saints Charitable Giving

QR (only code) ASA Charitable Giving

Within the app and its menu options

Collection 1, goes towards All Saints and our general account.

Collection 2, goes towards our monthly charitable giving.

Thank you for giving through GIVT. For some, in this time of Coronavirus, giving through GIVT may be an easy way to donate towards our work.

ANBI information

For information or questions about ANBI please go to:

All Saints Anglican Church Amersfoort is an independent Anglican chaplaincy within the Diocese of Europe, which is part of the Church of England. Originally it was a new church plant, which was established with assistance from the Anglican Chaplaincy of Holy Trinity Utrecht. Since June 2nd, All Saints has been a separate chaplaincy within the Archdeaconry of North West Europe, within the Diocese of Europe.

 Here is a summary of All Saints Anglican Church Accounts for 2018-2019.

2018-2019 ANBI Accounts

Budget Actual Budget
u/I 31/12 u/I 31/12 u/I 31/12
2018 2018 2019
Euro Euro Euro
Total Giving 119.470 89.324 91.560
Other 0 1.878 1.920
Total Income 119.470 91.202 93.480
Running Costs 126.780 124.513 128.290
Charitable Giving 1.850 1.150 1.180
Total Expenditure 128.630 125.663 129.470
Surplus / (Deficit)                  (9.160)                (34.461)                (35.990)

Below are the same accounts in gallery format if you prefer, in that format, to view them on your mobile device. Double click to bring up an enlarged image.

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