Good Friday

Good Friday

Our Good Friday service.

Welcome to our Good Friday service. Welcome to you, if you are gathering together, with others as members of All Saints, or those joining with us as visitor.

Our service has a rhythm of song and scripture, and a time of intercession. Our songs and hymns and bible readings all tell and reflect upon the important and awe inspiring events of Good Friday. We hope through the coming minutes you will be drawn in love to the cross, and will know deeper the Lord’s sacrificial death for you and the great love he has for you.

The below online liturgy shows you which readings and songs we will use. There will be a short pause after each reading before the song or hymn begins. For some, that short silence may not be enough time… However, as this is a recorded service, it gives you the opportunity to pause the playback if you would like, to give yourself more silence, or more time to reflect on what you have heard or even have sung. Or to sing the song again!  In that way I encourage you to interact with this service – pause and playing as it helpful – let it be a tool to help you worship and connect with this Day of Days…

We invite you to join in worship and prayer together with us at 7.30pm (CET / Dutch time). But as we said, as it is a recorded service, please free to watch our service at anytime and let it be part of your worship and reflection this weekend.

A prayer: Lord Jesus, let the reality of Your suffering on the cross and the true meaning of Your sacrifice, impact my head and heart in a fresh and disruptive way. I pray this in your name. Amen.

The relevant links are below.

One is a link to subscribe to the All Saints Youtube Channel. However you do not need to subscribe in order to use the other links and to join in our Good Friday service.

Link to the youtube channel (to subscribe).

Link to Video of Good Friday Service:

Service Liturgy:

Audio Track (only) of Good Friday Service:

(right click on below grey bar to be able to download track to your device, if you prefer not to listen online)

Our songs and lyrics are covered under and used with permission under our Christian Copyright Licensing International and Buma Streaming Licenses.