Holy Week and Easter Services, March 2024.
All these services are in English and held at our home of WvM (Willem van Mechelenstraat 8, 3817 BC).

Maundy Thursday 28th March ‘Holy Communion’ 8pm—9.15pm
We reflect on those events and words from the night before Jesus died, as he had a meal with his followers… and we remember the hours that followed as he went out to pray knowing his betrayer approached. Our preacher will be Revd Peter Kruyt (the pastor of the Baptist Church in Amersfoort). Last year he welcomed us to their church building. To this service, at our new home. the Baptist Church members have been invited.

Good Friday 29th March: ‘Reflection’ 8-9.15pm
We hear a number of bible readings exploring the prophecies and passages describing the Lord’s suffering and death and how the New Testament sees Good Friday.
There will be hymns and songs, led on organ and piano, in between the readings and a chance to pray and to keep silence.

Holy Saturday 30th March : 8-9.30pm. We gather for informal worship, creative prayer, and input, to consider our relationship with the Lord and how we respond to the events of Holy Week.

Easter Sunday – 31st March – 0930
All Age Holy Communion as we celebrate our Risen Lord! ”He was raised according to the Scriptures” as we read in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 – part of an early creed / hymn used by the first Christians. Died yes, buried, yes, raised, YES!
We look forward to welcoming you to one or more of our Holy Week and Easter Services. You are welcome to join us in worship whether you would call yourself a Christian or you see yourself as someone on a journey exploring what faith, God, and Jesus is all about… You are welcome to come join in, whether living in Amersfoort or just passing through for the day or the week.