Our Holy Week Services:
All services held at Kosmik, Heiligenbergerweg 144, 3816 AN Amersfoort .
* except for Maundy Thursday.
All our Services will be held in English.

Palm Sunday 2nd April :
Holy Communion Service at 0930.

Holy Week begins with our Palm Sunday Holy Communion service on Sunday 2nd April, at 0930. We consider the entry of the Son of Man into Jerusalem knowing that betrayal, arrest, suffering and death awaited him… During Holy Communion, each of us – adult, child, young person – in the service will receive a Palm Cross – a reminder of the praises of the people as Jesus entered the city, and of the suffering he later endured as that week ended…
Maundy Thursday 6th April:
‘Holy Communion’ 8pm—9.15pm

We reflect on those events and words from the night before Jesus died, as he had a meal with his followers… and we remember the hours that followed as he went out to pray knowing his betrayer approached. This year we have been invited to hold our service at the Baptist Church in Amersfoort, to which their member s will also be invited. Location : Baptist Church meets at Heilig Kruis Kerk, Liendertseweg 46, 3814 PL
Good Friday 7th April: ‘Reflection’ 8-9.15pm

Image from www.LumoProject.com
We hear a number of bible readings exploring the prophecies and passages describing the Lord’s suffering and death and how the New Testament sees Good Friday.
There will be songs in between the readings and a chance to pray. Some dedicated space to through word and music to reflect, to consider, the words, events, to remember what happened and why…
Holy Saturday 8th April : 8-9.30pm.

We gather for informal worship, creative prayer, testimony and input, to consider our relationship with the Lord and how we respond to the events of Holy Week.
This service will follow a similar format to our Prayer and Praise evenings.
Easter Sunday 9th April:
Two Holy Communion Services: 9.00 All Age 10.45 Traditional.

Two Services. We celebrate that Jesus was raised from the dead by God! We gather as a church family of all sorts and all backgrounds as we worship Our Risen Crucified Lord! We will have a crèche for under 4s.
0900 – is our All Age Holy Communion, led by our music group.
1045 – is our more traditional Easter Holy Communion, with a single piano and including a number of well known Easter hymns.
You are welcome to attend any of our services, regardless of your age, background or nationality. You are welcome whether you would consider yourself an Anglican Christian, or a Christian from another tradition (Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Baptist etc etc), or if this would be one of your first times visiting a church. You are welcome if you simply visiting the area for Easter and would like to join us in Worship. All are welcome.
Have a blessed Holy Week and Easter.