Peter Gillies has been instigating, organizing and inspiring a Men’s Group – all men are most welcome from wherever you live in the chaplaincy (or beyond).
At All Saints our Strategic motto is: “Up, In, and Out” referring to our worship and prayer relationship with our Lord (Up), our need to focus on fellowship and discipleship (In), and our need for service and evangelism toward the broader world (Out).
In past Men’s Group we have eat, drank, listened, discussed, challenged, on different topics. We heard about a member of All Saints who was part of a project in Malawi. We discussed if Christ was the only way – creating a pretend role play between a sceptic and a committed Christian. We have considered the huge questions around suffering and the faith within that difficult experience.
These get-togethers start around 18:00 with a drink and then an opening prayer at 18:30. After that we engage with our topic in the form of a participative debate. Somewhere in the evening we have dinner and come back together for a wrap-up and a parting prayer around 10:00 or 10:30… at which time most of us hang around and continue the discussion!
For 2017 we are using the idea of ‘CrossFit’.
In 2017 the Men’s Evening will be held four times at the home of Peter & Petra Gillies.
What is CrossFit? It is a play on the CrossFit fitness craze: a high-intensity fitness programme incorporating elements from several sports and types of exercise. We will not be doing anything but mental and spiritual exercises, although you are invited to come to the sessions on your bicycle!
The “red thread” of our particular brand of CrossFit will be two-fold:
1) To have fellowship between Christian men of all ages.
2) To explore the core values of Up, In, & Out
3) To become “fit” for the world we live in and to fulfill the Lord’s expectations
The four sessions will be as follows:
“Up” Evening – Up toward God; developing intimacy with Him – 1st April 2017 (Spring)
• Where: Scheg 1, Nijkerk – RSVP
• Time: 18:00 – BBQ; ending around 22:30
• Subject: The development and expression of “Up” in the Bible and how we can best do “Up” today
“In” Evening – In with other Believers; seeking community – To Be Announced (Summer)
• Where: Scheg 1, Nijkerk – RSVP
• Time: 18:00 – BBQ; ending around 22:30
• Subject: St. Paul’s take on “In” in Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians
“Out” Evening – Out with non-Believers; an engaging example to the world – TBA (Late Summer)
• Where: Scheg 1, Nijkerk – RSVP
• Time: 18:00 – BBQ; ending around 22:30
• Subject: What “Out” to early believers and what it should mean to us
“Around” Evening – Recognizing the coherence and unity between Up, In, & Out – TBA (Autumn)
• Where: Scheg 1, Nijkerk – RSVP
• Time: 18:00 – BBQ; ending around 22:30
• Subject: How we can create a total and balanced approach to Up, In, & Out
For each attendee €50 will be donated to Open Doors to monitor, inform about, and alleviate Christian suffering and persecution worldwide. This will be to a maximum of €1.000… I dare you.
For all men – across the Chaplaincy of Utrecht (All Saints, Holy Trinity, Zwolle and Groningen), or part of other churches or not yet part of one.
CrossFit – Scheg 1 – 3863VD – Nijkerk