Grant Crowe

Grant Crowe

Revd Grant Crowe

Grant is the chaplain of All Saints.

Chaplain is another name, used here in the Diocese in Europe, for a minister / vicar / pastor.  The Diocese in Europe is part of the Church of England. Grant is ordained within the Church of England.

He is originally from N.Ireland. He studied in England, at Keele University where he became a Christian. At University, he discerned that God was not calling him towards working in the field of Law (which Grant’s degree was in). It became apparent God was calling him to full time Christian work.  He served as a missionary with the organisation Operation Mobilisation for 2 years in Hungary. God’s call towards ordination began to become stronger during that time. Grant was accepted for training as a minister in the Church of England in 2000.

Grant trained at Cranmer Hall, in Durham, from 2000-2003. He served his curacy at All Saints in Burton-on- Trent, within Lichfield Diocese.  Jolanda and Grant had met while they were both with Operation Mobilisation. Jolanda is Dutch and in 2004 moved to Burton to work with Youth for Christ. While in Burton, Jolanda and Grant were married and they had their first child. In 2007, the family felt God’s leading to move to Telford, to lead 2 churches – St John’s Lawley and St Leonards Malinslee, within the Central Telford Parish. Again, as in Burton, Grant’s ministry was in an urban area.

In Telford, Jolanda and Grant’s second child was born. Grant led the two churches for 8 years, until the possibility of All Saints Amersfoort came to his attention. After reflection and prayer, Grant and Jolanda discerned this was the next step God was inviting Grant to take along the great journey and calling.

Grant left St Johns and St Leonards in November 2015, and moved that month to Amersfoort. He began his new ministry in the Netherlands in December 2015…

And he has been our minister / chaplain ever since!

Grant’s interests – he is a Manchester United supporter, he loves films, likes outdoor activities especially biking and hill walking, he enjoys reading and he likes being with people. He feels blessed with the great loving family he has!

Council Secretary & Synod Rep
Tristan Kamerbeek