So, you are on the train? It’s full. You are using your bible app. Person asks – are you a Christian?
You say – yes… the person asks – so what’s it all about? What do you say?
Or you are on the plane, you are reading that Christian ebook you’d been meaning to. Guy beside you… same question – are you a Christian – what’s it all about? What do you say – you have a few hours.
What do you say? How do you do it?
We are going to spend much more time on the HOW but few minutes on the What do you say.
Jesus says:
The gospel is
It is about Jesus Christ
It is about his death, burial, resurrection.
It is about sin.
It is about forgiveness of sins.
It is about repentance – which means a change of mind, direction – more than just saying sorry.
To all sorts, all nationalities, no one excluded – to all nations.
Spirit empowered – wait until you have been clothed.
All done in his name, in the name of Jesus
Peter in Acts 3 – as we listen to him.
It is about Jesus – the servant of God.
Jesus suffered, killed, buried, all at the hands of real people in a real city.
God raised him from the dead.
It is about repentance.
It is about sins
It is about sins being wiped out. The word to wipe is the same one used, when we read in Revelation 21 – he will wipe every tear from their eyes.
It is about change – transformation – refreshment.
Jesus is saying, Peter is saying: the good news you want to get across
Jesus, Sin, Repentance & Forgiveness, Transformation of lives, it’s for everyone,
It is done in his name and in his power.
Now there is more you can say – always – but to think : what am I aiming to say, what structure is in my mind, what five points on my hand…
The HOW…
A quote:
‘’ We were made to know God, but also to introduce him to others.
To share the love and truth of Jesus with the people around us.
To reach them for him. To help them find and follow Christ – and then in turn, to assist them in helping others find and follow Christ as well.’’ Mark Mittelberg.
As a song says – ‘’we are meant to live for so much more…’’
Question do we have to take the same approach as Peter or is there an approach that may fits us?
So we are going to explore briefly, 6 styles
Direct– truth telling – Peter
Intellectual style – ‘reason giving’ – Paul
Testimonial Style- story sharing – Man born blind in John 9
Interpersonal Style – or friendship building – Matthew the tax collector – luke 5
Invitational Style – Samaritan woman at the well – John 4
Serving style – Dorcas in Acts 9
The idea, is that we may well have one or two styles that we are more suited to, naturally. Yes we do need to remember the person we are talking to. What style works with them. But you know, evangelism can be a team effort, where we recognise our style may not be the one, that will be helpful or the person or group, but another style – we involve another member of the church – their style may work…
Now if we believe God may have moulded us into this shape, then the Spirit may know this, so he may lead us into situations or connections that allow us to witness in ways consistent with how he is making us…
We shared last week about SHAPE
Spiritual Gifts
Heart – your passions
A bilities – taught or natural
Experience in your life.
You have a unique combination. And God wants to use that in his mission.
All we can do, is keep an open heart, be prayerful now – but as you reflect on these ideas – asking God to show you which one of these approaches best fits you as well as best fits the people around you…
1.Peter. Direct, Truth telling. Acts 3.
Peter speaks the truth to those gathering in the temple courts, he is direct – you handed him over, you disowned him, you killed the author of life.. repent then and turn to God. He told the people there in no uncertain terms they’d crucified the Messiah and they needed to repent of their sins…
There are some people, who need direct truth, boldly told. Who will clarify the gospel, challenge them to do something. Story of a guy. Went to church. Religious, had not living faith. He knew the gospel, could quote various bible verses. He needed someone to speak direct to him – to live the truth he knew. God sent one. Told the person he was a hypocrite. That man was angry but it made him think – and in the coming week, he committed his life to Christ…
Is that you? Something to bear in mind – important that you listen and value what other people say, before telling them what you think they need to hear… Ask the Spirit to guide you – so you know when, how, when and where to direct your words, as well as giving you the wisdom and love so you do it with grace and truth.
2.Paul – intellectual – reason giving – Acts 17
Paul could be confrontational when we read Acts. Yet we note a key approach – a clearly reasoned presentation of the gospel – we will see that when we explore Romans in the summer and autumn. Paul’s background had helped – tutored under a great Jewish rabbi – you see in the way he writes in his letters, how he is using a variety of styles. He was a suitable man God sent to the thinkers in Athens. It was hard work but Paul builds an argument that gains an audience. They may not have responded as well to Peter’s – you helped crucified the king, repent of your sins… what Paul did, fitted Paul.
1 Peter 3 – always be prepared to give the reason for why you believe. This command is for all. Yet for some of us, this may be the main approach we reach out to people, maybe always have done so. Maybe you are someone always checking things out, you are logical, inquisitve, and we like to debate ideas.
Now, in western culture, there are so many questions, so many people confused about spiritual things, more and more apparent objections to Christian faith… this reason giving approach is increasingly more and more needed. If this is your style – set aside to study, prepare. Peter Gillies here can point you to a whole bunch of interesting resources to tool you up. Yet don’t just read stuff – try them out on real people…
3.Blind man – testimonial – story sharing
We do not know his name yet his story has been told for centuries. He was healed. Yet no sooner than that incredible miracle of brain, mind and eyes; he is being questioned and increasingly in a hostile way. Yet he did not get into debate with them – Paul probably would have – rather he said ‘’One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see.’’ John 9:25.
It was said, over the last 30 years, in the West, the main question seekers will ask is – not, is it true, but is it real, does it make a difference, does it work? There are many who need to hear stories of God working in a person’s life – it may be a story of conversion or it may be a story of God’s working. They may not respond to a challenge – direct, bold, truth telling; or to an intellectual reason sharing, but a personal account of why someone came to trust and believe in Jesus or how God has been at work, may affect them powerfully. Can you articulate your experiences with God and his grace? Usually such people can be clear communicators.
You may say your story is not dramatic enough. Yet to be honest, ‘’the ordinary story is the one that relates best with ordinary people’’. But if this is your approach, we need to listen to our friend’s story, to see how to relate our story to their story.
4.Inter-personal style – friendship building – Matthew.
Friendship builders – people people – love spending time with friends, and like making new ones. Warm personalities. Enjoy nothing more than speaking time with people, having good conversations. They like to extend hospitality to others. They are relationship oriented. They may be extroverted – with larger groups – or introverted – with one on ones.
Matthew – he is a tax collector. He accepts Jesus call to be a follower and then he decided to what whatever he could to help his friends meet Jesus. So Luke 5 – Matthew puts on that big feast – and puts them in a room with Jesus and also some others whose lives have been turned around.
Matthew did not confront – direct truth tell – he did not reason, intellectually challenge, he did not, it appears, stand up and give his testimony. He had friendships, he gathered them around and put them in a room with Jesus…
Friendships matter so much. But here we make friendships not in order to witness; we just make friends genuinely. But a few years ago, it was estimated in the West, 80% of people became Christians through through friendship evangelism. As friendships are built, then we are praying for the Lord to give opportunities that they can hear / or talk about faith. Yet you may not be the one to share – you may be the one who puts your friends with those folks who can.
5.Invitational Style – why don’t you come along – Samaritan Woman.
There is a strong overlap with the friendship building. Matthew invited them along.
Here the Samaritan woman after meeting Jesus at the well, runs back – leaves the jar – and Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did… and later, after they have met Jesus and heard him, they tell her ‘’We no longer believe just because of what you have said, now we have heard for ourselves …’’ Andrew – it is striking in John’s gospels you see many of this different approaches –Andrew – invites Peter, come and see; Philip tells Nathanael – come and see.
There are some in our networks, for whom their next big step spiritually just needs an invite. There was a strong set of UK research, 20 years ago, that around 10% were committed Christians, 10% we occasional; of the other 80% 40 were closed de-church – they have been hurt by Christians, or religious experience or the church; but another 40% were estimated to be open de-churched – they were open to returning to church if invited. Those numbers vary from area to area. But often we can have a self talk – they will say no – yet it does open our mind to think, that perhaps 1 in 5 – if we lower those numbers – among our friends, could be open to coming along to an Alpha, or to a church event… the question is what to invite them to…
Think – what would you invite them to? Does All Saints offer this – maybe you want to think about the idea and let us know…
6. Serving – Dorcas
Acts 9 – Dorcas was ‘’always doing good and helping the poor.’’ She was well known in the city for her acts of service. She quietly did what she did, but they knew it was in His name.
There are people who find it easy to serve others – we are all called to do so – but there are others who find it easy, it is how God has made them. They see the needs others do not notice. They do not mind not being noticed, because they are other centred. Such service can reach the hearts, where direct, reason, invites, testimony will not… The main challenge here is that while actions speak louder than words, words will still be needed.
You may find that you do not fit perfectly into one approach. But it is likely that you will find two approaches that reasonate far more with you than others. Work within the design / shape God is giving you is the advice. Yet also consider those Christian friends in your life group or network, what would their approaches be.
Perhaps one of them is a much better approach for your friend? So this is about being a team than a lone ranger.
What would you tell the person on the bus or plane?
Jesus, sins, repentance and forgiveness, transformation, in his name, in his power.
What approach would suit you or the person you talking to
Direct – like a Peter
Reasoning – lIke a Paul
Testimonial – like the blind man
Friendship – like Matthew
Invitational – like Samaritan Woman
Service – like Dorcas…
Share faith as you can, not as you can’t…
Shall we pray…
Clothe us with your Spirit’s power.
Help us to share the good news
Show us the style that fits our friends or relatives
Show us our natural styles.
Use us in your mission…