What to Expect
Welcome! It will be wonderful to see you.
What are our services like?
Our Sunday Worship follows recognisably Church of England (Anglican) traditions. Each Sunday (except when it is a fifth Sunday) our act of worship is Holy Communion. On the fifth Sunday we have a service of Morning Prayer. We celebrate baptisms each so often – but those are by arrangement with the families. There is no regular pattern.
What is your style of worship?
Part of our vision for Sunday worship, across each month, that it is liturgical, a blend of traditional and modern, while seeking to be open to the presence and workings of the Spirit of God.
Two Sundays a month, our music is organ / piano led; the other two Sundays, music group led using contemporary worship songs.
It is book based – with occasional use of projector for sermons.
When you arrive, our welcomers will greet you and give you the books – prayer book, song book, and bulletin. If you need any help, do please feel free to ask…
How long are the worships?
90 minutes long
What is your typical attire?
Good question? Our members come in a range of attire – some more formal, some more casual such as jeans. We have a range of ages, which is reflected in the attire. But we seek to be relatively informal in our dress code. But there is a mixture. For the minister leading the service, he is more formal, and he wears recognisably Anglican robes – cassock and surplice, with the stole of the church’s season.
For children?
We have each Sunday a manned creche for children aged 0-4 years of age.
For 4-12 year olds, we run two Sunday School classes. One is 5-7, and the second is 8-12 year olds.
Part of our vision for the coming 12 months is to establish a group for 12/13 – 14/15 year olds, but at this present time, over 12 year olds, remain with their parents for the church service.
Our children’s workers are all bi-lingual – speaking both English and Dutch.
The children leave after the first hymn / song, and return before the offertory hymn which precedes our Communion liturgy.
What about the Church building?

We have relocated to Willem van Mechelenstraat 8. There is parking for bicycles. There is no onsite parking for cars. Please follow this link for recommended car parking areas: Our New Home
However, if someone has a need to be dropped at the entrance to the building, that is possible. The church premises are disabled and buggy friendly. There are toilets. Our stewards will be willing to help with any needs.
Some photos:

We look forward to meeting you!